Sunday 29 June 2014

Lost in Translation

Having previously said I was going to write lots of posts to schedule I have now totally forgotten what it was I wanted to say. Hmm, maybe I have a two post a day writing limit. I don't think it helps knowing I have more freelance work lined up for tomorrow and I need to head out for zumba in an hour or so. This means I now have deadlines to keep to and I am so used to having too much to do and no time that tight timelines make my brain explode slightly.



But anyway, one thing I wanted to mention was Lost in Translation. I watched it again having watched it the first time around when I was at University. I liked it then, but I found it strange. This time round I totally got it and I laughed. It is funny to think in these last few years I have experienced enough to empathise with both characters, to feel that sense of searching for yourself, just wanting a good time, feeling lost, feeling out of place in your own situation, not knowing what you are doing or where you are going, to not minding. It was a refreshing watch and reminded me of how good it is. So watch it, even if you have watched it before, I urge you to watch it again.


  1. OK - I might try it again but having HATED it when we saw it in the cinema I don't hold out much hope! :)

    1. I have a feeling you still might not like it...... :-P
