Wednesday 2 July 2014

3 Stars

I think I might be able to stop forward planning posts after this one....

I seem to have been quite successful recently. Loads of things are happening both art wise and freelance wise which means I am stocking up the world's smallest supply of cash. Some of this is going to go on the 20 blank canvasses I have earmarked for purchase as I currently only have 4 blank ones left in stock. I want to buy them now but I need to wait for when I am actually going to be around to receive them which should hopefully be soon...better be soon otherwise I shall get stressed. I am a 'have things just in case' person.

But seriously, when I say successful I mean I have managed to sell 20 paintings in the last 6 months!! I still don't really know how this has happened but I hope it keeps happening and isn't just a random flash in the pan. I also seem to be doing a good job of being added to people's baskets on Artgallery. This is both promising and frustrating as it would be nicer to be added and then checked out, but at least I am in the running. As they apparently have over 37,000 paintings online this is a feat in itself! I have also become a 3 star rated artist on Artgallery as well as being filed under their 'Best Selling Artists' category. This would be more exciting if there weren't 31 pages worth of best selling artists but I am happy to make the cut regardless.

Things are looking good! I wonder what the catch is.....

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