Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy 2015!

A bit delayed but Happy New Year! I went out on New Years Eve for once so this year is definitely starting differently to normal, let's hope the more exciting start makes for a more exciting year!

It seems like the break for Christmas - almost two weeks of avoiding the computer, eating, fresh air and having the sea between me and all my obligations seems to have had the healing powers required. I feel more centred, more relaxed, more focused and ready to start this year with a bang. I am making the most of all the sales at the moment and stocking up with more cards and upgrading a few bits and pieces of equipment. The most exciting one being a camera upgrade but I will tell you more about that later. I am also going to start a new facebook competition in the next week or so and attempt to enter a piece of work in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

I have high hopes for this year and currently the determination to match. The first step will be to consolidate all my to do lists into one, or rather into 'the one'. Having ten pieces of paper with numerous scribbles, crossing outs and exclamations is not only confusing but slightly stressing me out! I say the first step, the first step is to do the first painting of 2015. In fact, it might be the perfect time to do that now....

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