Saturday 3 September 2016

The Train now Approaching platform 4....

I have got to that stage where I can see how much art stuff I need to do and how much I am not doing. My sensibilities are currently probably just pulling into heart palpitation station, before heading off to heart attack central.

On a side note, I do need to say palpitation station again, as it has a nice ring to it.

But yes, I am not stressed per se, but I could be. I think it is important to remember the bigger picture here, but not look at how to get there, as then I will end up on a direct route to Shutdown Street.

I think it would help if I could finish some things off rather than my current status which is half doing lots of things. My photography website is almost complete, but isn't, my new high resolution art photos are half sorted, but not finished, my Instagram account is set up but not used. The same goes for Twitter. My ideas are mostly written down on paper but not really formalised.

'We are very sorry the delay this may cause to your journey'

I kind of wish I hadn't started thinking about this! I am excited though, if I can, or once I do, get through all of this, I think it will be a massive improvement. I should be more usable, work on Apple, be more searchable, more available, more noticeable. I currently do feel like I need a sabbatical to get there though, or at least a very good railcard.

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